Julia Rhee-A Korean woman invites a Wall Street hedge fund to hold an event

A Korean woman gathered together chief investment officers (CIOs) of hedge funds, venture capitals, and private equity funds (PEFs), which are said to be the best on Wall Street in the US, to diagnose the current situation in the economy and financial markets and to share investment strategies. Julia Rhee is the CEO of Alpha Institute, which advises government agencies and companies looking for funding or investment opportunities on Wall Street. Alpha Institute is holding the CIO Summit (Chief Investment Officer Summit), where hedge fund, venture capital, and PEF CIOs gather to share information and the latest trends for the third year this year. This year, on October 18th, at the Harvard Club on 44th Street, New York, JP Morgan Wealth Management, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, Guggenheim Advisory, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Mercer Investment Consulting, Pinebridge Investment, Black Rock Private Equity Partners, New York City Retirement Pension System. It will be held with the pa...